An architect by training, he moves from one scale to another, from the object to the entire museum. A dancer by passion, I have an intimate understanding of movement and the body in space. These two facets of his personality guide his practice. They are not visible and yet he uses them every day.

Museographers, lighting designers, graphic designers, sound specialists, designers, architects, design offices... He surrounds himself with complementary trades, partners in creation and conviction, committed specialists who are called upon according to the specific requirements of the project.

Soazik Le Goff-Duchateau has taken over from Pierre Alexandre as Architect of Bâtiments de France at the UDAP of Quimper. Pierre Alexandre is at the initiative of this restoration project alongside Mr Chapalain.

Mrs. Le Goff-Duchateau left Bayonne for Quimper where she coordinates the work of eleven people, including two other architects working in Brest and Centre Finistère.

She gave us an interview to present her vision of heritage.

Pascal Morin, a building professional, set up the company Artezinc in 2011 in the south of Finistère. It specialises in the installation of zinc aluminium and traditional tile and slate roofing.

Today the company is located in Bénodet, south of Quimper, and has 15 employees. It offers its customers cladding, roofing, waterproofing and various handcrafted roof weathervanes and ridge tiles.

He participated in the renovation of the Musée de la Conserverie. He did us the honour of sharing his passion and his experience of the site through an interview.

Sylvain Boulc'h, heritage architect from the Lizerand architectural firm, worked under the supervision of Dominique Lizerand on the renovation of the Musée de la Conserverie Alexis le Gall. Site meetings took place every Monday during the project. This allowed all parties to progress serenely in a large scale project.

The Lizerand firm was commissioned by the Loctudy Town Hall as project manager. The architectural firm, specialised in the restoration of heritage buildings, was surrounded by restoration professionals. The companies selected were authorised to carry out restoration work on buildings classified as Historic Monuments.