For people with disabilities disability
General information
Service prices
The museum is free for :
- disabled people, on presentation of a disability card or a notification from the departmental disabled people's centre (MDPH).
- anyone accompanying a disabled person.
Tours with a guide
To take advantage of a guided tour, you must :
- be part of a group of Minimum 8 people.
- make a request to the Museum team via one of the 2 following means of communication:
- by telephone on
- by e-mail to
A booking form is sent to the person making the reservation.
The request for a visit with a guide is validated when the form is returned, complete and signed, to the museum team.
A heavy museum entrance door
The entrance to the museum is heavy and does not open automatically.
It must be push hard to gain entry.
A drawing stuck on the glass of the door reminds us of this instruction.
The patio for rest
The patio can be used by groups of mentally handicapped people or residents of nursing homes and day hospitals to enjoy a relaxing atmosphere. quiet time before, during or after their visit to the museum.
Specific information
Mental disability
Motor disabilities
The museum does not have its own car park.
Parking spaces for people with reduced mobility are available close to the museum, in the rue du Port.
To make access to the museum easier for people with reduced mobility, their companions can take a "wheelchair" with them. drop-off point at the end of the northern cul-de-sac.
Once the person concerned has been dropped off in front of the museum entrance, the driver will have to reverse and park in a space in the rue du Port.
Accessibility of spaces
The reception, the shop and all the exhibition rooms are of the highest quality. full floorand accessible for people with reduced mobility.
The courtyard of the museum between the family home and the factory features a drop. A gentle slope has been installed for wheelchair traffic.
Only one of the two toilets is accessible to people with reduced mobility.
A support bar is located next to the toilet and the room has a separate toilet. area to be turned sufficient for manoeuvring in a wheelchair.
Comfort for people with reduced mobility
Chairs are available in each of the museum's exhibition rooms.
There are also benches in the museum courtyard.
A folding chair can be provided on request at the museum entrance.
Hearing impairment
The establishment's audio-guide is equipped with a magnetic loop for the hearing impaired.
Multimedia content is subtitled in French and English.