European Heritage Days

On Saturday 16 & Sunday 17 September 2023, the Museum will be taking part in the European Heritage Days for the 3rd time.

For this 3rd edition, the is widely supported by local associations. In addition to volunteers from the Friends of the Loctudy Cannery will be at our side The LAC troupe (ACAL), the Mein Ha Dour association from Combrit, the Broderezh Dantelezh association and a member of the Dames Picot from Loctudy. These volunteers will provide the museum with all kinds of heritage-related activities.

Volunteers from the association Histoire Locale et Patrimoine de Loctudy (HLPL), some of whom, like Patrick Chever, are also members of ACAL, will be supplementing the museum's offer with two guided tours, one of the fishing port, the other in the cove of Pen Ar Veurto create a link with the heritage of the historic centre of Loctudy and the Kérazan manor house at the entrance to the town.

The HLPL exhibition will also be on display in the Pors Bihan chapel at the corner of the parish enclosure and Saint-Tudy church during these days of festivities.
A big thank you to all these volunteers for their commitment.
We look forward to seeing many of you at this new edition of the JEP 2023!
No registration will not be taken into account for museum events.

However, you will need to call the museum to reserve places on the HLPL guided tours, as the capacity for these two outdoor events is limited.

Thank you for your understanding.